The Polar Express is a Christmas train ride based on the hit movie. The ride takes you to a magic trip to The North Pole where you get to meet Santa
The event starts every weekend from Nov. 24th – Dec. 17th, then the whole week prior Christmas Dec. 18th – Dec. 24th.
Chef (16-35 years old) $70.00 per night
As a chef you need to perform simple dance routines and interact with kids and parents.
Elf- (16- 28 years old) $50.00 per night
As an elf you will be at the North Pole helping Santa get ready for Christmas and welcomed the Polar Express. You will also need to interact with kids.
Conductor (35-55 years old) $150.00 per night
Conductor will play the part of Tom Hanks and will welcome the whole family to board the train. Will also need to interact with them.
Hero Boy (9-12 years old) $25.00 per night
kid will play the part of the hero boy and will interact with other kids and family members throughout the ride.
Casting will take place at the Gold Coast Railroad Museum this Thursday Nov. 2nd and Friday, Nov. 3rd