
Looking for Male/Female Actors who can dance

Casting Calls in Toronto | Seeking | Compensation: $ /99 | Apply by

We are a team of 4 students in the process of doing a short movie project (5 minutes), and we are looking for 2 actors that can dance.

Logline: A drama short film that talks about a male dancer (Jack) struggles to overcome a past trauma that damaged both his body and mind. Nadia, who is also a female dancer, helps Jack to regain confidence in dancing.

#1 character (Jack): Male (age range: 20-28 years old). We will film Jack for most parts of the short movie. (approximately 4 minutes)

#2 character (Nadia): Female (age range: 20-28 years old). We will film Nadia for the last scenes of the movie. (approximately 1 minute)

If you need any other information, please contact me via email: [email protected] or my phone 604 365 8524

Thank you.

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Published September 22, 2022
Category: Latest

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