
The Children Of Kharon

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[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]The year is 3314, and the world is not what anyone, save the most nihilistic, could have imagined. The dwindling of resources led to tensions between nations due to trade agreements that could no longer be completed. The breaking of treaties and agreements led to high levels of hostility, culminating in the first of many hostile attacks. Unfortunately, wartime technology had advanced to such a deadly point that the first few missiles and bomb strikes, and their extreme fallout and destruction, were enough to cause a lull in fighting. And by the time the dust had settled and the radioactive ‘dead’ zones had been outlined, countries reverted to old-school battlefield and trench warfare tactics. Every new politician and world leader promised an end to the war, just like their predecessors until most world systems fell to dust. And from the dust came an ancient order, The Order of Khäron. They viewed the world as irredeemable and fundamentally flawed and the only way to save it was to start anew. They swiftly infiltrated the remaining government and the military and began their plan. According to them, the world was too large, too full of unnecessary souls, so they decided to cull the population until they only had the ones who assisted in its return to glory. [/color]

[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]The current Grand Master, Malachi Keir, is placed in a difficult position when a shipment of poison explodes over land feeding the soldiers. With a new timeline of 18 months until supplies run out, Malachi Keir turns to his adopted son, Solomon Keir, to help him expedite the process. He instructs him to build a new elite group of killers to clear the way for the ‘Final Cull’. However, a cover-up man, Jordan Carver, hears of the plan and realizes that an individual who knew and buried the dirty laundry of the Order would not be welcome in this new world. In a rush of selfish desperation, he formed a resistant force, the Insurgence, to stop the plot. [/color]

[color=rgb(51, 51, 51)]Through the eyes of the Insurgence, the Daimons, and the Order of Khäron the best-laid plans constantly go awry and in this world the cost of failure is death. Leaders rise and fall, and their followers draw lines in the sand and seal it in blood.[/color]

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Published December 14, 2023
Category: Latest

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