Step into the heart of a high-stakes trial with The Jury Experience a new live Theatre event from Fever Labs. This show is an immersive, live theater event of a mock trial pitting the wife of a deceased pedestrian against a software engineer in a court case where the audience decides the verdict: guilty or innocent?
Rates: 700$ rehearsal pay
Rehearsal dates: Feb 7, 14, 18 Off site
Feb 17-20, 25-37 On site
300$ per event
March 5 April 2
Genders flexible, and nonbinary/trans welcome and encouraged to apply.
1: PROSECUTOR: Man (45-55)
2: DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Woman (40-50)
3: JUDGE: Man (55-65)
4: DEFENDANT: Man (35-45)
5: PLAINTIFF (Victim’s wife): Woman (25-35)