URGENT Casting call – COOL Street Guys/Girls for HK shoot 23/24 Aug 2018
We are looking for Guys and Girls 18-25yrs for a street sports brand photoshoot. We are also looking for a 10-12yr old cool kid and a 6-7 yr old younger kid for the shoot. Characteristics: Cool, interesting, tough, quirky, good-looking, charismatic slim athletic people. Skateboarders and Streetstyle look is welcome. No tattoos and piercings. Details: […]

Casting call- female protagonist [Short Film]
We are writing this representing the AIS film production group, a group of student filmmakers attempting to recreate a legitimate professional film experience for ourselves. This is our third year operating, and throughout the time we have gained many valuable skills and knowledge, feel free to check out our work and reel at aisfilmproduction.com. Currently, […]

Casting call- Antagonist [Short Film]
We are writing this representing the AIS film production group, a group of student filmmakers attempting to recreate a legitimate professional film experience for ourselves. This is our third year operating, and throughout the time we have gained many valuable skills and knowledge, feel free to check out our work and reel at aisfilmproduction.com. Currently, […]

Casting call- male support [Short Film]
We are writing this representing the AIS film production group, a group of student filmmakers attempting to recreate a legitimate professional film experience for ourselves. This is our third year operating, and throughout the time we have gained many valuable skills and knowledge, feel free to check out our work and reel at aisfilmproduction.com. Currently, […]

East Asian Male Actor Needed for Short Undergraduate Student Film
I am an undergraduate student filmmaker currently interested in experimental animation techniques. I have worked on 15+ various amateur film projects as a writer, director, actor, cinematographer, editor, and more. This project is an experimental narrative work which follows an artist (this role!) as he floats through Hong Kong for a night, meeting old friends […]