
Casting a jewelry commercial

Casting Calls in Toronto | Seeking | Compensation: $ / | Apply by

TORONTO: Non Union casting call! Shooting non union commercials for online use at the end of October. Looking for the following roles:

Caveman: Ages 28-50 – Rough looking, Large is good, All types all ethnicity welcome.

Bride: Ages 24-34 – All types all ethnicity welcome.

Groom – Ages 35-35 Slacker type, a bit of a bad ass. All types all ethnicity welcome.

Father of Bride – Ages 50 -65 – All welcome to try.

Priest- Ages 50-65 – All welcome to try.

New Dad – Ages 25-35 – All types welcome

New Mom – Ages 25-35 – All types welcome

Non Union casting call! Shooting non union commercials for online use at the end of October. Looking for the following roles: send you a script and give you more info. All roles are paid. Non Union. Send me head shots and questions.

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Published September 22, 2022
Category: Latest

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