Looking for boys and girls, approx 3-14 years of age! Open to all ethnicities!
They must fit one of the following sizes (3T, 7/8, 10/12)
Looking for energetic, outgoing kids with great smiles!
No modeling or acting experience necessary. Looking for kids who love to be in front of the camera and have infectious smiles!
Those chosen for this campaign will be paid approximately $1000+ for a 1 day shoot! ]
]You must be available for these key dates:
AUDITION: None, this will be booked from photos
FITTING: April 3 or 4 (one day TBC)
SHOOT: April 10-13 (TBC)
Submissions are due by: Please submit as soon as possible!
**If an agent represents you please allow them to submit you for this project
Please submit ASAP!