***Casting Call***
Paying Roles. Both Equity and non-Equity
Please send your resume and headshot to info@ctora.ca to receive the audition form and book your appointment.
Audition requirements:
Must have flexible rehearsal availability in May
Please prepare 16-32 bars of up-tempo/rock songs and a contemporary/musical theatre ballad. Playback or accompanist provided.
We will ask you to read the sides that will be made available to you.
We will not be asking for any choreography. There will be a dance call during the callbacks.
If you have any special skills such as playing an instrument, stage combat or puppetry, please indicate on your audition form and come prepared to show off your skills.
The Lightning Thief is a cast of seven actors playing all the characters. Our production is committed to employment equity and diversity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; Indigenous peoples; visible minorities and racialized people; and people with disabilities.. After all, these characters are gods and heroes–and gods and heroes can look like any of us. Note: this casting breakdown is only a suggestion.
PERCY JACKSON (A2-A4)– Son of Poseidon, a good kid with a teenage temper
ANNABETH (G3-G5)– Daughter of Athena, smarter than you
GROVER (B2-A4)– A happy-go-lucky satyr, like a hippie kid with hooves. Also plays:
MR. D, aka DIONYSUS – God of wine, snarky camp director
LUKE (D3-G#4)– Son of Hermes, cool camp counsellor. Also plays:
GABE UGLIANO – Percy’s foul stepfather
ARES – God of war, rock star in leather pants
MINOTAUR – Half-man, half-bull
SALLY JACKSON (A3-C5)– Percy’s hard-working mother. Also plays:
SILENA BEAUREGARD – Daughter of Aphrodite
THE ORACLE – a hippie mummy
ECHIDNA – Mother of monsters
CHARON – Ferryperson to the Underworld
MR. BRUNNER, aka CHIRON (C#3-E4) – Wise centaur, part-time Latin teacher. Also plays:
POSEIDON – God of the sea, salty beach bum
HADES – God of the dead, aging rock star type
AUNTY EM, aka MEDUSA – Avid sculptor
KRONOS – A voice in a pit
CLARISSE (B3-G5)– Tough jock girl, daughter of Ares. Also plays:
MRS. DODDS – A Fury posing as a substitute algebra teacher
KATIE GARDNER – Daughter of Demeter
THALIA – Daughter of Zeus, tough
BIANCA – A mysterious girl in 1930’s clothes