NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! is a comedic short film that follows Laura as she tries to celebrate her special day by simply eating some meatballs. However, constant knocks at the door and an increasingly intense arson investigation keep getting in Laura’s way, preventing her from enjoying even one sweet, savoury, globe of meat. To complicate matters further, the arsonist may be someone she does not expect.
Auditions to be held on April 11th. Shooting will fall on either May 13th or 14th.
LAURA (20s) is an awkward, buttoned up young woman with an inability to say no. The needs of others always taking precident over her own, and she can’t even stand up to her own mother.
ANNIE (40s), mother to Laura, is a frantic woman who won’t let anyone get a word in edgewise. She is very wrapped up in her own problems, and cares little that it is her daughter’s birthday.
HOFF-HOFFMAN (30s) is an officer hot on the trail of the arrest of his career. His no-nonsense approach to law enforcement is as firmly groomed as his moustache. He has loved 3 women in his life: Lady Liberty, his mother, and Mrs. Hoff-Hoffman, in that order.
GREGG (20s), is another cop on the search for the dangerous arsonist. Intense and frantic, Gregg is one bad day away from becoming a loose cannon with nothing to lose.
LARSON (20s-30s) is a strong woman with a complete sense of self and is secretly the infamous arsonist known as the Carson Arson. She may masquerade as a dedicated cop and burn houses down, but has a surprising amount of insight into Laura’s psychology.