Teenage character: An athletic, bright, scholarly young man – practically birthed and raised up in the church, becoming a minister at 17 years of age. He is quite wet behind the ears and couldn’t find trouble if he wanted to, but trouble always has a way of finding him. He is comical, honest to a fault, and troubled.
Adult character: A Ph.D., progressive-minded, youthful-hearted minister that is in search of a church to pastor. He sees himself as a change-maker, an activist, and a man called by God to serve. His greatest fear is his past and the anger in his heart that is caused by it. His greatest love is God and his wife, Cheri, who at times plays the role of not only a lover but counselor, friend, advisor, and a savior of sorts. There are very few things that he cannot do well when he puts his mind to it, except easily forgiving someone who has deceived, betrayed him, or angered him to no end.
Age range for this role: 17-42
Auditions and most of the scheduled rehearsals will be conducted at Center City Brightwood Campus, 6008 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.
The In-person auditions will be held on June 25 and 26, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Required skills: Superior singer with a broad vocal range; Tenor (F3-D5 lyrical belt) strong actor.
Required: Headshot and resume
We are calling for Union AND Non-union actors.