Lead Character (Name: Kedonia)
– Age: 20-25
– Some key character traits: quiet person but has a witty sense of humor. Shy at first contact but fun to talk to when you’re close to her. She is also very experimental – in her hair/her outfit/ her craft
– Hair: short pixie/bob hair/ willing to cut her hair short (any kind of short hair cut that can let her sway between looking feminine or slightly more boyish.)
– Ethnicity: no preference
– Height: approximately 155cm-165cm
– Remuneration: 100$/day (2-3 day shoot in the first week of March)
Co-star (Name: Hannah)
– Age: 20-25
– Key character traits: jovial, bubbly, extroverted, adventurous, great conversationalist. Not super girly, but quite a down to earth person.
– Overall look and feel: down to earth, plain Jane (she likes warm, autumn colors for her clothes.)
– Hair: medium-long, straight hair. Nothing fancy
– Ethnicity: no preference
– Height: approximately 150cm-155cm
– Remuneration: 100$/day (2-3 day shoot in the first week of March)