
Looking for Pan-Asian/Southeast Asian Sons (6-8 | 9-12) and Fathers (early 40s | late 40s) for car video shoot

Casting Calls in Singapore | Seeking Actor | Compensation: $ / | Apply by

electriclimefilms is looking for talents for a car videoshoot, featuring a father and son revisiting their old home. We’re looking for Southeast Asian men and boys, father-son duos are especially welcomed.

We are happy to entertain individual casting for the roles below as well.

This will be a non speaking role.

1. Father
1 x Male (Late 40s)
> Mixed [Southeast Asian]

> Able to portray a range of emotions from joy to feeling sentimental

2. Son
1 x Boy (8 – 9 years old)
> Mixed [Southeast Asian]

> Bubbly and inquisitive personality

3. Father and Son Duo

1 x Father (Early 40s) and Son (6 – 8 years)
> Mixed [Southeast Asian]
> Able to portray a range of emotions from joy to feeling sentimental

Payment: [FLAT-RATE | Negotiable] $300 for son, $400 for father

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Published September 22, 2022
Category: Latest

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