
Mexican Grandmother (Spanish speaking)

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Pilar is Manuela’s Grandmother, she is caring and wise. Pilar has been taking care of Manuela since the death of her only daughter and Manuela’s mother Silvia. Pilar is a local of the city of San Miguel where she is very well known by the other locals for having a young soul. She loves to get involved and help in all the different events and activities that happen in town. She has a peculiar love/hate for parrots, she finds them beautiful and smart yet she wouldn’t dare getting near one, she likes to watch them from a distance. Pilar has learned a thing or two through the years and when she knows she’s right about
something, she enjoys warning you about it with the use of proverbs, which she does a lot. Pilar is very well known for her magnificent ability in the kitchen, she has quite a talent for traditional Mexican cuisine. There is nobody in town that can get to her level and she knows it but she likes to keep humble.
Despite being a very cheerful and outgoing woman, the loss of her only daughter brings her great mourning and misery but she keeps that to herself because she loves her granddaughter and she has to be strong for her. She always puts others before herself.

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Published September 22, 2022
Category: Latest

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