
Seeking MALES who are clean shaven and well groomed who also own THEIR OWN TUXEDO

Casting Calls in Atlanta | Seeking Actor | Compensation: $182/ | Apply by


Seeking MALES who are clean shaven and well groomed who also own THEIR OWN TUXEDO. All ethnicities. Ages 18 – 70’s.

**Please include pictures of your TUXEDO in your submission** 

Filming Dates: Monday, January 23rd, Tuesday, January 24th, Friday, January 27th, and Monday, January 30th
COVID Test: 24/48 hours prior to fitting or filming
Fitting Date: Tuesday 1/17, Wednesday 1/18, or Thursday 1/19
Filming Rate: $182/12 per day
Fitting Rate: $100/8
Testing Rate: $75 flat, per test

Location: ATL

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Published January 13, 2023
Category: Latest

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