

Casting Calls in Toronto | Seeking | Compensation: $ /99 | Apply by

Looking for to fill principal roles for short film produced by 3 Ryerson Film Production students.

Title: The Upsides of Alcoholism
Description: Tension ensues when three over the hill, estranged sisters are forced to reunite following their grandmother’s funeral.
**Casting for Sarah – Dani and Jackie character description are included

SARAH, 35 – 45, FEMALE – the middle sibling and in between Dani and Jackie. Sarah like to make the peace and often finds herself in between Dani and Jackie’s quarrels. She is a true peacemaker.

JACKIE, 40-50, FEMALE – the oldest sibling and leader of the pack. Jackie is a no nonsense power female who favours stability and a rigid schedule about all. While she is successful in her career she lacks in the relationship department, never finding anyone that meets up with her checklist.

DANI, 28 – 32, FEMALE – the youngest sibling, rebel and bohemian. Dani has moved out of the small, rural town where she was born and is now living in the big city. She loves to love and is a serial dater, constantly moving from on relationship to the next. Her personality is as malleable as her dating life, her preferences and appearance changing depending on the person she is dating.

Shoot details:
Location – Orono, Ontario
Shoot date – Sept 30th, one day shoot, TBC depending on actors availabilities
Compensation – unpaid. Travel expenses covered. Meals will also be provided

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Published September 22, 2022
Category: Latest

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