“Boys Night” (short comedy) is a senior Centennial College Production. It’s about a classic night gone wrong. We are looking for the main cast. It will be a 3 day shoot on the second week of November.
It’s a Non-Payed gig at the moment but that is subjected to change.
Paul – 20-30: A light hearted guy, with a quirky sense humour. He is looking forward to his first date, Rachel.
Roy – 20-30: A narcissistic guy, who uses sarcasm to deal with people. But the only thing he is terrified of is his girlfriend.
Jay – 20-30: Your average paranoid stoner who questions everyone and everything.
Rachel – 20-25: She’s the girl next door, the girl of everyone’s dreams, P.S- She’s thirsty as hell!
Lisa – 20-25: Sassy and Beautiful. She’s Roy’s girlfriend. She is someone who you are terrified of and attracted to at the same time.
Email me at [email protected] with your headshots.