
Casting multiple roles for a feature film ‘Cuttlefish’ filming in the Cleveland, Ohio

Casting Calls in Cleveland | Seeking Actor | Compensation: $260/Day | Apply by Mar 31, 2025

[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent]We are now casting for the feature film ‘Cuttlefish’ filming in the Cleveland, Ohio area from May 18th-31st.[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent]This is an ultra low budget rate for all talent is $260/8.[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent]Roles:[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent][Agira] Male, 50 plus, East Asian. Or Hispanic. Dates needed.                   (2 days) May 25th, 26th. Wise beyond his years, Agira is dedicated to helping others before himself. He works so he can send money to his family back home. His body is failing him and he finds the task of the warehouse challenging but he pushes through to help his family and not to disappoint Gil.[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent][Tina] Female, 35-55, African American. Date needed May 28th, 29th, 30th Only will be needed 1 out of these 3 days. Will confirm which date closer too. Gils mother, works 3 jobs all day to barely afford the rent. She never went to college and doesn’t believe in Gils plan, but deeply cares about him. Her worst fear is that he’ll turn into his deadbeat father, and she has a hard line of respect to follow.[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent][Lamar] Male, 17-25, open ethnicity. Date needed May 21st. High school dropout, he spends his days selling drugs and hanging out with the wrong people. He likes to exert his dominance by beating people up and takes on the gangster persona with pride. He especially likes picking on people younger than him.[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent][Gordon] Male, 40-70, Caucasian. Date needed is either 25th or May 26th. Will be confirmed which date closer to. All American manager at the wine warehouse. His conservative and cautious attitude clashes with his large, booming persona. He’s willing to give some a second chance, but will pull the rug out from you as soon as you mess up.[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent][Ryan] Male, 17-23, Caucasian. May 18th-28th (Every day 18-27 with a possibility 28th) one of these nights will be an overnight shoot. The more intellectual member of the group, he finds himself constantly the butt of everyone’s jokes. His dad is the dean of the school, so he is still high on the totem pole. Way more analytical and filled with random facts.[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent]Shoot dates[/highlight][/color]
[color=rgb(8, 8, 9)][highlight=transparent]This production will run from the 18th-31st of May, however all roles have specific days they will need to be available for. Please read carefully what dates you need for the role you are submitting for as you will need full day availability for the days you shoot.[/highlight][/color]

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Published March 25, 2025
Category: Latest

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