
Looking for men ages 35-45 years old who have been diagnosed with IBS-D in the past 5 years to share about their experience.

Casting Calls in Remote | Seeking Actor | Compensation: $4000/Flat | Apply by Sep 21, 2024

[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Looking for men ages 35-45 years old who have been diagnosed with IBS-D in the past 5 years to share about their experience.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Must be able to show proof of their diagnosis.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Talent should have recently taken Xifaxan to treat their IBS-D (within the past year). Talent must show proof of prescription.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Those chosen would be needed for a 1-2 day shoot in August.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]SESSION FEE: $1000 for a 12-hour session day. To be paid within 30 days of session completion.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]VIDEO BUYOUT/USE FEE: $3000. To be paid within 30 days of first use date, only if performer makes final edit.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]PRINT BUYOUT/USE FEE OPTION: If exercised, $2000 (for use in a brochure). To be paid within 30 days of first use date, only if performer makes[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]final edit.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]MANICURE STIPEND: $100 including gratuity, stipend is taxable.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]All fees, except manicure stipend, are plus 20% agent fee. Agent fees only paid if talent is represented. All fees are plus 20% agent fee. Agent fees only paid if talent is represented.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Renewal Option: Client may extend all conditions above for two consecutive terms for an additional 10% on the prior year’s talent. buyout fees paid and 20% agent fee, agent fee to be paid only if talent is represented. To be paid only if client exercises option to renew and if performer makes the final edit.[/color]

[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Usage: Term: 1 year from date of first use[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Territory: Global.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Permitted Use: All images, footage and/or audio recordings to be used on Xifaxan website and socials including, Internet (including but not limited[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]to digital, social, new media, OTT/Streaming, CTV/ATV), and any and all Print Stills and uses (including but not limited to digital stills, screengrabs, and any and all traditional OOH hard print uses and patient/point-of-care materials). Including all lifts, variations, and cut downs.[/color]
[color=rgb(32, 33, 36)]Historical uses: Materials may be used anywhere in the world by CLIENT and its AGENCY at sales meetings and for the intra-company, research, award, publicity (including, without limitation, on CLIENTS’ advertising agency ‘reel’ and website), file, reference, and social media archive purposes to be granted in perpetuity.[/color]

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Published September 14, 2024
Category: Latest

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