
Non-Union Commercial Casting Call for Middle Eastern Adult Men and Women

Casting Calls in Toronto | Seeking Actor | Compensation: $1000/Flat | Apply by Dec 22, 2023
Casting is looking for Middle Eastern adult men and women to play the parents and grandparents of a graduating college student. The non-union commercial pays $1000 total and filming will take place next year. Those interested should email with a picture and details, and a simple self-tape is required. The self-tape should include stating their name and city of residence, and emote feelings of excitement and pride while watching their child collect a diploma from stage.

We are looking for Middle Eastern adult men and women to play the parents and grandparents of a graduating college student. The parents should be aged 45-55 years old and the grandparents should be 60 years or older.

This is a non-union commercial and the total payment is $1000 ($800 session plus $200 buy out). Filming will take place next year, but we are looking to book talent as soon as possible.

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Published December 15, 2023
Category: Latest

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