
Non-Union PSA Looking for South Asian Talent

Casting Calls in Toronto | Seeking Actor | Compensation: $500/Day | Apply by Sep 18, 2023
TO WITH A RECENT PICTURE AND CONTACT INFO.Mann Casting is seeking South Asian talent for a non-union health PSA. Submissions should be sent to with a recent picture and contact info. The shoot will take place on September 30th with a $500 session fee, $75 wardrobe call fee, and a $2500 buyout honorarium for digital buyout and OOH.

We are looking for South Asian talent for a Health PSA. The casting will be done by self-tape on September 18th at 10am. Recalls will be held on September 20th in studio and the fitting will be on September 27th. The shoot will take place on September 30th.

The usage for the PSA will be all digital, digital stills and OOH for one year. The rate for the session is $500, $75 for wardrobe call and a buyout honorarium of $2500 for digital buyout and OOH. If not chosen for OOH (digital only) the buyout honorarium will be $2000.

We are seeking the following:

– Father: 35-45, male, South Asian
– Grandfather: 60-70+, male, South Asian
– Grandmother: 60-70+, female, South Asian

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Published September 13, 2023
Category: Latest

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